2017 Unified Golfers

42 golfers from around the country took to the course on Monday, June 26, to compete in the Brightspot Pro-Am at TPC Potomac in Bethesda, MD, to kick off the 2017 Quicken Loans National.


 U.S. Adaptive Open Preview Day
Chad Pfeifer
United States Army
Chris Hall.png
Christopher Hall
United States Army
Dave Romanowsky.png
Dave Romanowsky
United States Air Force
Dillon Behr.jpg
Dillon Behr
United States Army
Jason Leap.jpg
Jason Leap
United States Air Force
Jason Roberts.jpg
Jason Roberts
United States Marine Corps
Justin Rankin.jpg
Justin Rankin
United States Army
LaMarquis Knowles.JPG
LaMarquis Knowles
United States Army
Patrick Turner.JPG
Patrick Turner
United States Army
Steven Ventura.jpg
Steven Ventura
United States Marine Corps
Tom Capel.png
Thomas Capel
United States Army
TJ Brooks.jpg
TJ Brooks
United States Marine Corps

The First Tee

Andrew Santiago Caldwell.png
Andrew Santiago Caldwell
The First Tee of Pine Mountain
Ari Samuel.png
Ari Samuel
The First Tee of Greater Sacramento
Blake Brantley.png
Blake Brantley
The First Tee of the Triad
Brice Smoker.png
Brice Smoker
The First Tee of Aiken
Cole Elmore.png
Cole Elmore
The First Tee of Salina
Duran Solis.png
Duran Solis
The First Tee of Central Coast
Harrison Sillings.png
Harrison Sillings
The First Tee of Battle Creek
Ishaan Nandwani.png
Ishaan Nandwani
The First Tee of Silicon Valley
Janane Tan.png
Janane Tan
The First Tee of Greater Dallas
Justin Potwora.png
Justin Potwora
The First Tee of Greater Portland
Katherine Demitus.png
Katherine Demitus
The First Tee of Raritan Valley
Michelle Koo.png
Michelle Koo
The First Tee of Phoenix
Nicholas Dimitroff.png
Nicholas Dimitroff
The First Tee of Northwest Florida
Nikita Patel.png
Nikita Patel
The First Tee of Greater Houston
Perry Chong.png
Perry Chong
The First Tee of Lake County
Scott Schuster.png
Scott Schuster
The First Tee of Greater Houston
Vivian Guite.png
Vivian Guite
The First Tee of Naples/Collier
Zachary Missigman.png
Zachary Missigman
The First Tee of Phoenix

Special Olympics

Camrin Sandoz.png
Camrin Sandoz
Special Olympics Louisiana
David Curtin.png
David Curtin
Special Olympics Virginia
Hillary Kern.png
Hillary Kern
Special Olympics Texas
Jason Greene.png
Jason Greene
Special Olympics North Carolina
John Abrams.png
John Abrams
Special Olympics Pennsylvania
Justin Hunsinger.png
Justin Hunsinger
Special Olympics Maryland
Keith Esbenshade.png
Keith Esbenshade
Special Olympics North Carolina
Matthew Gang.jpg
Matthew Gang
Special Olympics Virginia
Paul Freyman.png
Paul Freyman
Special Olympics Maryland
Ryan Luck.png
Ryan Luck
Special Olympics Florida
Steve Ledden.png
Steve Ledden
Special Olympics Delaware
Tyler Lagasse.png
Tyler Lagasse
Special Olympics Massachusetts